Dental cleanings two times per year (every six months) can help prevent cavities and costly dental treatment. Support your daily brushing and flossing with this essential in-office procedure.
Your dental cleaning supports your routine, at-home dental care. The in-office procedures effectively treat the hard-to-reach areas of your mouth, teeth, and gums.
Routine, professional dental cleanings help prevent periodontal (gum) disease. Cleaning your teeth removes the harmful oral plaque and tartar that harbor decay-causing bacteria.
Scaling removes the tartar build-up from the surfaces of your teeth. Your hygienist will manually scale your teeth by gently scraping the tartar deposits away or use an ultrasonic scaler that removes larger deposits with gentle vibrations and a stream of water.
Polishing uses a safe, abrasive paste to remove stains from your teeth’s surfaces. Smoothing your tooth surfaces helps prevent plaque and tartar build-up on your teeth.
Fluoride is recommended to strengthen your tooth enamel against tooth decay. In our office, we use fluoride varnish due to its greater efficacy in treating sensitivity and reducing the rate of dental caries.
Atlantic Dental Arts provides you with simple and easy solutions to cover the cost of your dental care. Insurance and payment options help reduce your out-of-pocket expenses. Our dental office is family-focused. We seek to accommodate you by accepting most dental insurance provider plans. Please notify us of your specific insurance coverage, as options can vary. See our insurance list and ask us about your plan before your appointment, treatment, or procedure.
A key component of our goals is to help every patient feel comfortable and right at home when receiving services from us. We work closely with each patient to ensure they know what all their options are. Every patient understands the procedures, the benefits they offer, and the opportunities they can provide. Our team of dentists wants to help every patient have a healthy, beautiful smile.